Emerging DIY Brisbane artist Clea drops her latest track with its video 'Sugar', a song born during the Australian bushfires in early 2020. As the fires engulfed her home country, Clea felt a sense of dread which is mirrored through the stunning video, as an ode to the fragility of Australia's landscapes. Clea's sound is along the same lines as Angel Olsen and Julia Jacklin. The new single 'Sugar' features outlandish synthesisers which allow the track to soar above ground level, whilst acoustic guitar strums give a country feel, bringing it back down to earth. Clea's vocals are full of passion and vigour, as she sings her heart out with poppy melodies. Clea explains a little about the concept behind the song: "I was overcome with emotion and felt the strongest desire to cower and crawl in the corner. It is the nature of humans turning a blind eye to a situation to save oneself of hurt, but in this instance there was truly no way of hiding. It saddens me deeply that it takes for the country to burn and our chests to fill with smoke to truly start to take seriously the issue of climate change and the great stress humans place on this incredible earth. The world is in great pain and the systems in place have failed us, true change is crucial otherwise we can literally kiss it all goodbye." -Ellie Rose-Davies
